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2018 BGACC Christmas Walk

Join us for the Annual Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce Christmas Walk! The Boca Grande Village will be ringing with Christmas Cheer. Stroll down the luminary-lit town to visit with the local businesses and get a jump on your Holiday shopping. Check out our Christmas Walk Stage, located in front of Englewood Bank and Trust, to enjoy live Jazz music from Saxophone by Jay Heath and Saxy Duo featuring Jay and Denise Heath, as well as an award ceremony to honor our Top Sponsors of 2018. Santa Claus will come to town on the Boca Grande Fire Department Fire Truck to visit with all of the good boys and girls! The line to visit with Santa will be located at the Fire Station after he rides through the Boca Grande village. On the day of the walk, look out for Maps posted around town that will indicate where fun Christmas features are located throughout the event.
Decorating Competition
For our businesses decorating for the Christmas Walk, the Boca Grande Area Chamber of Commerce will be awarding a prize for the most decorated business at the end of the event. The winner will be crowned the “Boca Grande Chamber Christmas Walk Holiday Cheermeister” and hold the first-ever perpetual trophy that will change hands yearly based on the best decorations. The winning business will also receive a $100 Gift Certificate to the Chamber that can be used as a credit for membership, sponsorship, or merchandise.
If you have any questions or inquiries about this years event, please call or email the chamber at (941) 964-0568 | info@bocagrandechamber.com